Friday, October 29, 2010

Processing Black and White photos

A.  1.)
  • A metal or plastic film tank
  • Three dark plastic containers to hold chemistry
  • Graduates (used to measure chemicals)
  • A darkroom timer
  • A can opener
  • A room that is totally light proof (not even the slightest sliver of light should be visible).
  • Developer (see other sidebar)
  • Glacial Acetic Acid (optional, for Stop Bath)
  • Fixer (Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener is highly recommended)
  • Hypo Eliminator 
2.) The chemicals that you might need in a darkroom are acetic acid, and citric acid. You can get these chemicals her in USA at
5801 East Taft Road, North Syracuse, NY 13212, USA
Tel (315) 437 - 1086
Fax (315) 437 - 0432
Contact Toll Free 1-800-GO-WYNIT

3.) Go into the darkroom and then unfold the film. You have to make sure that there's no light getting into the darkroom. Then you load the film into the film reel. Once the film is loaded and placed in the ad cover you may turn the lights back on. After that you pour the developer into the film and make sure that there's no bubbles on it, after about a minute you pour acetic acid on it for 30 seconds so that the development would stop. Than you put water on it for 5 minutes and you, to take all the marks and white spots off pour hypo eliminator for 2 minutes. Wash it one last time for 5 other minutes, take them out of the tank and make sure not to touch the negative. Place them in a area where there's no dust. Finally in about 1-2 hours the film would be dry, you cut the film into strips, now you store the negatives in a clear glassine envelopes or PVC plastic negative pages.


B.  1.) Contact sheet- a contact print, usually of all frames of a developed roll of negative print film, used as a proof print.
2.) Agitation- the act of attempting to stir up public opinion for or against something
3.) Enlarger- an apparatus used for making projection prints, having a head for holding, illuminating, and projecting a film negative and a bed for holding a sheet of sensitized printing paper.
4.) Developer- a reducing agent or solution for developing a film or the like.
5.) Stop Bath- an acid bath or rinse for stopping the action of a developer before fixing a negative or print.
6.) Fixer- a chemical substance, as sodium thiosulfate, used to promote fixation.

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