Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Architecture shoot preview assignment

Details / Greyscale:
This is a good picture for detail because it is just a detail of part of the building.
 I chose this picture for surrounding because it shows what the building is.
Angels and shapes:
 I took this picture for angles and shapes because it isn't a right angle and it has a couple of different shapes put onto it.

 This is a good picture for patterns because the lines and the lights repeat.

 I chose this photo for light because it has a lot of windows and shows how the light interacts with the building.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Action Shoot Final

Picture 1:
Damon Griffin is a senior at Akins High School who enjoys playing outside, and likes being active. If it was up to him he would stay outside and play all day long.

Photo 2:
Jonatan Aguilar, a junior at Akins High School drives his car to school on a cloudy day in may. He didn't realize that he was driving 10mph above the speed limit, a cop saw and he got a ticket for speeding in a school zone.

Picture 3:
A very talented student named Damon Griffin is practicing his kicking in order to get better. Recently he had twisted his ankle and is trying to get better.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Architecture Preview 5-4-2011

This is a good picture for "detail" because it doesn't show all of the building and it is close up to the building.

I chose this picture for "light" because the top of the building is basically a bunch of windows and has a lot of natural light coming in through them.

I think that this is a good picture for "patterns" because the yellow and the white but also the building itself, part of it looks horizontal and others look vertical.

This is a good picture for "angels and shapes" because the view point of the picture changed, and also the building has different shapes.

I chose this picture for "surrounding" because the house or building looks like a big rock, and the ground and background blend in with it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Architecture Preview

La Pedrera, Spain


Kunsthaus Graz, Austria

Writing a news lead (or lede)

Father Was a Spy, Sons Conclude With Regret

Who: Michael and Robert

What: Were kids during the cold war, and their parents were executed.

When: During the cold war

Where: Soviet Union

Why: Their parents were executed because they were accused of giving atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

How:  They were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity.

Their Lead:

They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Then they were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity.
My Lead:
 They were just kids at the age of 6 and 10 when they lost both parents, during the cold war in 1953 when their parents were executed. This lead to them being the most famous orphans. They were being accused of being spy's and delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

'Unrestored' copy of first Superman comic book for sale

Who: A copy of the original comic "Action Comics No. 1"

What: Are making a comeback out of it.

When: First made on June 1938 for only 10 cents a page.

Where: Comic stores.

Why: Of the 100 existing copies, 80 percent have been restored, but people want an untouched copy.

How: People want to get the original comic book and not the one that has been changed.

Their lead:

After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.

My Lead:

On Thursday an expert told our CNN reporter that the original copy of "Action Comics No. 1" with Superman and friends will be coming back for about $400,000 the tune.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Warm-Up Captions

Alfredo Gonzales is a sophomore at Akins High School he enjoys playing with the goat that he is currently taking care of. He has had the goat since it was a baby, and he has gotten so close to it and he even named it Calvin.

Rules: depth, him being behind the goat creates depth.
mergers, the fence looks like its coming out of him and the yellow bucket on his butt.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Caption Writing Practice

1. Courtney is really happy because she got to go to the homecoming game after school. Akins won and she was even happier after the game and glad she got the day off to go see her school play.
2. Brandon Waisin #23, is getting ready to shoot he only has five seconds left till the game ends and the score is 19-21. He ran as fast as he could and thanks to his hard work and his team mates he got to score and made his team win.
This photo is following the rules "leading lines" because his arms are leading to the ball. It also follows "rule of thirds" because he isn't in the middle.
3. In art class we have a lot of talented people Gabe Maldonado is one of them he is putting a lot of effort on his drawing. He gets his inspiring from his older brother John Maldonado also student here at Akins.
This photo is following the rules "depth" because you can see that the other people are sitting next to each other, "rule of thirds" because of the squares, "merger" on his forehead and the boy in the top left corner is cut in half, "leading lines" because his arm leads to the picture.

4. The gray, black and white owl is having a good time on his owners arm in the teen leadership in Mrs. Mata's class. Since he was still for a while the photographer John Maldonado decided to take a picture of it and he got freaked out and flew away.
This photo is following the rules "rule of thirds" because of the squares, "leading lines" because the string leads to the leg, "merger" the lady in the background.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Shoot Photos

Africa: Black_an_White

1. The Africa power point had a lot of good pictures, the pictures make it look like no one lives there and it is a very free place. They animals aren't aware that they are being photographed.

2. My favorite picture was the one with the zebras how they are striped and the background looks very simple.

3. a. He uses the Pentax camera with only two short fixed lenses.
b. The animals are disappearing due to global warming.
c. He want people to get involved and try to help these animals.
d. "You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Basic News Writing

Official: Tens Of Thousands OF Evacuees Can't head Home For Months
Who? Who is involved? Who does/did the situation affect? Who said so?
People that live near the nuclear facility in Japan.

What? What is happening? What did happen? What are the consequences? What is different about this? What are the choices?
The radiation and nuclear power plants broke.

When? When did or will this happen? When was this discovered?
This is happening now, people who live near the nuclear power plant can't stay at their houses.

Where? Where did or will this happen?
This is happening in Japan.

Why? Why did this happen or will it happen?
There is no reason for why it happened, more like it wasn't expected.

How? How did it or will it happen? How much does it cost? How many people does this affect? How do you feel about this?
 The power plants are releasing a lot or radiation and nuclear power, this caused for the people who live near the power plant to move out of their houses, and people who live 20 to 30 miles from the nuclear power plant to stay in their house. It's sad for them cause they don't know when they are going to be able to move back into their house's.

Basic News Writing

Randy Velarde Testifies Barry Bonds' Trainer Gave Him Injections:

Who? Who is involved? Who does/did the situation affect? Who said so?
Randy Velarde, Barry Bonds, Estrella, and Greg Anderson

What? What is happening? What did happen? What are the consequences? What is different about this? What are the choices?
Barry Bonds is in jail because he was giving Randy steroids.

When? When did or will this happen? When was this discovered?
March 7, 1987

Where? Where did or will this happen?
San Fransisco

Why? Why did this happen or will it happen?
Randy claims that Bonds was giving him steroids without Randy knowing they were steroids.

How? How did it or will it happen? How much does it cost? How many people does this affect? How do you feel about this?
The steroids cost from $700 to $800, I think it is wrong for people to give other people things without that person knowing what it is and specially if they know it's wrong to take steroids.

Basic News Writing

Austin District Holds Community Budget Forum Tonight:
Who? Who is involved? Who does/did the situation affect? Who said so?
All of the Austin ISD Schools.

What? What is happening? What did happen? What are the consequences? What is different about this? What are the choices?
They are cutting teachers, because there budget has been lowered.

When? When did or will this happen? When was this discovered?
In between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

Where? Where did or will this happen?
In the Austin ISD School District.

Why? Why did this happen or will it happen?
Because they can't afford to pay all of the teachers.

How? How did it or will it happen? How much does it cost? How many people does this affect? How do you feel about this?
This will affect the teachers that will lose their job, but also the kids because their classes would have to get bigger and that will make it harder to learn. I think that they could try their best on not cutting off any of the teachers because it is much easier to learn in a classroom with a small number of students.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Interview With Asi Elben

1. What's your name?
Asia Elben
2. How old are you?
 I'm 15
3. How do you feel about being student of the month?
 Pretty good, proud of myself
4. Did you work hard to be student of the month?
5. Are your grades good?
 Yes they are
6. What's the lowest grade that you have?
7. Did you expect to be student of the month?
 8. What academy are you in?
9. What grade are you in?
 9th, Freshmen
10. Do you plan to go to collage?
11. Are you proud of yourself?
12. Is this your first time being student of the month?
13. What is your favorite school subject?
English, because it's easy
14. What do you do on your free time?
 Hang out with my friends
15. If you could re-do something , anything what would it be?
 Not to fail any of my tests
16. Do you play any sports?
 No, I don't like sports
17. What's your favorite type of music?
18. Do you have a favorite color? If yes, what is it and why?
 Pink, because it's bright and very girly
19. Do you have a favorite number? If yes, what is it and why?
 3, not exactly sure why
20. What did you think you did to be student of the month?
Making good grades and respecting the teachers

1a. What are some things that you think you need improvement on?
2a. Why did you not expect to be student of the month?
3a. What collage do you plan to go to? And why?
4a. What did your family tell you about this?

5a. Do you think you can be student of the month again? Why or why not?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Student of the Month Interview

1.) 1, What's your name?
2, How old are you?
3, How do you feel about being student of the month?
4, Did you work hard to be student of the month?
5, Are your grades good?
6, What's the lowest grade that you have?
7, Did you expect to be student of the month?
 8, What academy are you in?
9, What grade are you in?
10, Do you plan to go to collage?
11, Are you proud of yourself?
12, Is this your first time being student of the month?
13, What is your favorite school subject?
14, What do you do on your free time?
15, If you could re-do something , anything what would it be?
16, Do you play any sports?
17, What's your favorite type of music?
18, Do you have a favorite color? If yes, what is it and why?
19, Do you have a favorite number? If yes, what is it and why?
20, What did you think you did to be student of the month?

What an interview is about

Assignment #1
School Uniforms:
 1.) I would interview: The school's principal, a teacher who talks to us about it, or the counselor of the school.
2.) 1, What can the students wear?
2, Why are they doing this?
3, Is there a certain school who this is made for?
4, Did all school agree with this uniform?
5, Will it apply to everyone?
6, How will the uniforms look?
7, Do all grades have to wear the same thing?
8, Does the color of the uniform depend on their school colors?
9, How much will the uniforms cost?
10, What do you think of this uniform?
11, Will the students have a choice?
12, What if the students chose not to wear the uniform?
13, Is there a way that they wont wear the uniform?
14, What do you think the students will say about this?
15, Do you think that the students will follow the uniform rules?
16, Will the students have to pay for the uniform?
17, What will the parents have to say about the uniforms?
18, Will the uniforms help the learning environment?
19,What will happen if the parents disagree?
20, What's the reason for the uniform?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sports/Action More Details

1.Name of photographer - Alyssa Schukar

General focus of portfolio - I think that this video was made to show love or pain, because the judges were talking about how there wasn't really any love or pain shown on the pictures.

List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - They thought that the pictures were of a certain distance, they don't feel the love of the pain in none of the pictures, and there wasn't enough strong single pictures.
List two things the judges like- They liked the kids in the stair way, and the girl that fell over the hurdles.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like? I personally didn't like how the video was set up. I think that they could of taken better pictures for this because it is kind of confusing to understand what the video is really about.

2.Dustin Snipes, What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? They judges liked all of the pictures, they had very good comments about the pictures and I also think that the guy did a good job with this portfolio.

What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? He was really creative with his pictures and made them look really nice, but he also had a couple pictures that looked alike.

3. Watch the contest recap video.
Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
The judges took a look at all of the pictures in each of the portfolios, they talked about each of their weaknesses and the strenghts that they had after talking it over they decided on who the winner was.

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.

2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.

Japanese Earthquake

I feel sorry for the people who lived around this area, because the fire is huge ! Personally I am really scared of fire, the smoke looks scary and it's something that I would never want to be close to.

This picture makes me feel bad for the people that live in Japan, because from one day to another they lost all the probably worked really hard for. Now they have to start from scratch what they already had.

This picture makes me think of how much damage and disaster a earthquake and a tsunami can cause, and the kind of things that can occur afterwards.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay? I think that this is a good project and essay, it sounds like it was kind of fun to see what people really think about it.
2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger? Most likely i would not do it because i would feel really weird taking a picture with someone i don't know.
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take?  I think that the photographer did an alright job, on some he did follow the rules of photography but on others he didn't. Some of his photos were really good and others weren't as good. The photographer didn't do so much of a bad job, the pictures were pretty good from my point of view.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cool advertising idea

I chose this as my favorite advertisement because this reminds me of Paris, and I have always wanted to visit Paris. But this wouldn't make me want to buy a this phone, because it is just a picture and it doesn't really make you want the phone the shape is the only thing that calls my attention.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy, Akins, Building

I think that this is about Akins and what a good school Akins is.

This chose this picture because it shows what the front of the cafeteria looks like and it had good lighting.

This is a good picture for happy, because the boy has a big smile and seems very happy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yearbook Elements, Notes and Stuff

pictures of the students and teachers
pictures of the school
Their sports
The students first and last name
Group pictures
The grades in which the students are in
Name of the school
The year
The schools clubs and activities
Page numbers
Different colors
The different occasions and events that occurred that year

Every yearbook has a cover,
Every yearbook has a theme my yearbooks theme is Essence.
Always has a name it can be in words or a graphic.
Every yearbook has end sheets:
Table of contents, pictures,  and some have nothing.
There's to type of end sheets the front end sheet and the back end sheet they can be the same or can be totally different. The job of the end sheets is to hold the yearbook together
The words "same" and "different" over and over again, it's four different types of brown, and pictures of their mascot.
The Title Page:
Often restate the theme of the yearbook, some schools have the title of contents

 A spread is two pages together side by side in the yearbook.
Lots of orange, pictures, a lot of writing, a title, and a subtitle, questions with an answer, and some quotes.
Are usually theme pages.

Every good book should have a table of contents.

Divider page:
Words, different color pages, a title, it's also a pretty simple page.

You should have an index, a colophon, but you can also have acknowledgments, thank yous, editor thank yous, acknowledgments, and names of who the editors are.

 My yearbook had about 32 pages of senior pages.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Magazine Cover Styles

Cover types
1. Early magazine covers: Are always drawings instead of a photo. They are usually simple drawings. Often have a moral theme to them, or have a religious theme to them.

2. The poster cover: A big picture that covers most of the cover just a few words. All of the words have to do only with the picture and nothing else. The pictures have to be visually appealing. Portrait covers may be boring to the buyers, it's hard to know what the magazine is going to be about. If your picture isn't good than the people aren't going to buy your magazine. If your picture isn't a great picture make sure that the person is recognizable or that the object is interesting.

3. Pictures married to type: Complementary, they complement the words and the pictures. The text tells you whats going on in the photo and what you can expect to see in the magazine they also work together to make an appealing cover. May seem boring to some of the people. The colors, picture and the words are boring. The picture has to be a good picture in order for people to buy them. The color may make the magazine look boring and uninteresting.

4. In the forest of words: A lot of words in the cover, some are bold and some aren't. Colorful letters, different fonts and sizes. Lots of entry points there is a lot of  ways that will advertise you to buy the magazine. The words take some of the attention from the photo. There might be too much stuff going on in the cover.

Stuff every magazine cover has
Title of the magazine, a picture or some type of art, a date, bar codes are optional.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Magazine cover and catch up

1. Arousing curiosity
2. Familiar recognition from issue to issue
3. It glows in vivid colors that will inevitably turn disappointingly dull when printed in ink. A hard-copy printout may be closer.
4. Worth the investment of money and time
5. Intellectually stimulating, interesting

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Best Covers

#9: Formal portrait
#10: Informal portrait
#15: Formal portrait
#19: Formal portrait
#36: Formal portrait
#37(tie) details: Informal portrait
#37(tie) glamour: Formal portrait

#26 People (March 4, 1974)
This premiere issue of People featured Mia Farrow on the cover biting a strand of pearls. Farrow was starring in the movie The Great Gatsby as Daisy Buchanan and the magazine cover dubbed Gatsby the years next big movie. Since this issue, People has become a popular magazine of celebrity and pop culture news and is best known for yearly special issues naming The 50 Most Beautiful People, The Best and Worst Dressed and The Sexiest Man Alive.
The lighting in this picture was very good. The pearls necklace make the picture look good, and her face expression does too. Shes not looking at the camera but her make up and her hair are done and it makes her pop out so that you know she is the main focus. I think its really nice how her shirt, scarf, necklace, and nails match the background.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Portrait and self-portrait tips and ideas

-Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.

-Use props! Are you a dad and a rocker? Bring your kid and your guitar. Are you a photographer? Add camera gear. Painter? Paint. Poet? Words. Make-up artist? Guess… You get the idea.

Environmental portrait:
 I chose this picture because i like how the picture was taken outside but, the background looks dirty, abandoned, and its in black and white but than the girl in the picture has color, a dress on and has her hair and make up done.

I like this picture because the guy has a guitar in his hand and two rows or them on each side of him and they all have the same design different colors though.

Self portrait:
 I chose this picture as my favorite because it had three different portraits but in the end it has a self portrait of himself and it seems really interesting how he took this picture.

I like this picture because of the mans face, hes acting silly and has his hands on his face doing some kind of signs.

Casual portrait:
I chose this picture because i love it, his the picture is simple but his glasses catch your attention, also i like how the air plain in the background is white and it doesn't take the attention from the focus.

I chose this picture because i like how they changed the point of view and how they created depth in it.

For my photograph i am going to take a picture of Asia, i am going to take the picture by the new tech hall by the stairs, also i am going to make sure that the focus and the lighting are in place and change the view point and create depth into the picture i wanna think of all of the rules that we have learned.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This is one of my favorites because the insect on the right side of the picture looks like another flower, but once you look at it closely you can see that it has a mouth, eyes and legs.

This is another picture that i really liked because the mountains are really big, and than you look at the town and it seems to be as big as another mountain, also I think that its really nice how they made a town in the middle of the mountains.

I chose this as my favorite picture because i like how both the ground and sky have a solid plain color, and than the smoke is purple so it calls my attention.

1. What was the best song of 2010?
I think that the best song in 2010 was "I get lonely too" by Drake. I picked this song because I could listen to it all day without getting annoyed by it, also because it can make me fall asleep and wake me up.

2. What was the best movie of 2010?

This was my favorite movie that came out in 2010, because it is funny, but it also has a lot of action going on in it. I like all of the dance moves that they do throughout the entier movie.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?

I think that the most important story of the year was that all of the people that have been killed at Mexico, it makes people insecure and afraid.
4. Who was the most important person of 2010?
The most important person was Drake because I could listen to his songs when im not feeling well and it can make me feel better.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment, story OR person of 2010 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice)
I chose Wiz Khalifa because everytime that I would listen to the radio his music would be on, and most of the people that I know or ask who is their favorite singer they would say Wiz Khalifa.

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
During this beak i got to see my family together and it was a good and very happy break. We had alot of fun together and there was no drama.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2011 year?
To do good in school, pass all of my classes, and try to do everything that I have in mind.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2011?
I am really exited about turning 15, but i also can't wait for this summer because Im going to go visit my family that I havent seen in two years.