Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Exam study guide

1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder.
 You go to "my computer", then click on "server drives" and click on the T:drive, photojournalism, your class period, and then find your name.
2. Explain how we use in this class
We use it to do our work and it helps us learn.
3. Explain the process of creating a pinhole camera
First you get oat meal can that is empty, second put black paper all inside of it, third cut a square close to the middle about the same size of  your finger, fifth cut a piece of foil paper a bit bigger than the square and tape it with black tape, sixth cover the top with black paper or tape to make sure that there's no light going into the pinhole, seventh make a small hole on the aluminum paper, eight put a piece of paper and a piece of tape so that way you can open and close it when your going to take your picture.
4. Explain how the pinhole camera works and how the image is transferred to the paper inside
Once you open the flap that had tape the light goes in and reflects onto the paper, but you have to make sure to open it for the exact amount of time so that your picture will come out good.
5. Know how to define and explain the 10 rules of composition, these 10 rules will be a MAJOR portion of the final and you better know how to recognize these rules, explain these rules and show me you understand them:
5a.  Rule of thirds: It's when your main object isn't in the middle of the picture.
5b. Balancing Elements: When you can clearly tell what your main object is and it's off to the side.
5c. Leading Lines: When there's a line along your picture and it leads to something.
5d. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition): When there is patters and symmetry that is man-made and it catches peoples eyes.
5e. Viewpoint: Think about where you will take the picture from it may add or take the affect from the picture.
5f. Background/simplicity: The background is clear and you can clearly see what the main object is.
5g. Create depth: You can see that the object isn't two dimensional
5h. Framing: When natural things make a frame along the picture.
5i. Cropping: When the object is to small crop the things around it and it will make it easier to tell what is the main object in the picture.
5j. Mergers and avoiding them:
6. Explain how action and emotion impact a photograph
I think that action and emotion can make a picture more interesting but it can also mess it up if it comes out with blurs.
7. Explain how a photo can "tell a story"
A picture can tell a story by the way it looks and if there's people you can tell by their face expressions.
8. Explain what the word "multimedia" means and share some examples of how we have seen them in class (on the blog)
Multimedia is used to advertise peoples products so that other people will buy something using models which are fixed by photo shop. An example is the one blog that we did on the model that was used to advertise.
9. Know how to correctly write a caption. I HIGHLY suggest you rewrite the rules on your blog and find at least 2 photos on the Internet, post them on your blog and write correct captions for them. This will be a MAJOR portion of the exam as well.
1. Aperture- an opening
2. Shutter- an opaque shield in a camera that, when tripped, admits light to expose the film or plate for a predetermined period, usually a fraction of a second. It is either built into the lens system or lies in the focal plane of the lens.
3. Exposure-  the total amount of light received by a photosensitive surface or an area of such a surface, expressed as the product of the degree of illumination and the period of illumination.
4. F-stop- the setting of an adjustable lens aperture, as indicated by an f number.
5. Single lens reflex-
6. Negative- noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest.
7. Positive- denoting a print or transparency showing the brightness values as they are in the subject.
8. Contact sheet- a contact print, usually of all frames of a developed roll of negative print film, used as a proof print.
9. Agitation- he act or process of agitating
10. Enlarger- an apparatus used for making projection prints, having a head for holding, illuminating, and projecting a film negative and a bed for holding a sheet of sensitized printing paper.
11. Stop bath- an acid bath or rinse for stopping the action of a developer before fixing a negative or print.
12. Fixer- a chemical substance, as sodium thiosulfate, used to promote fixation.
13. Safe light- a darkroom light with a filter that transmits only those rays of the spectrum to which films, printing paper, etc., are not sensitive.
14. Burning- the baking of ceramic products to develop hardness and other properties.
15. Dodging- to shade from exposure for a period, while exposing the remainder of the print in order to lighten or eliminate the area

Monday, December 6, 2010

Choice Sheets

1.) I am interested in the yearbook class because i think that i am better at writing captions other than stories. It is easier for me to write short stories and not long stories. But i would be okay with either of those classes because i think that i should learn to write longer stories on photos.
2.) Yearbook spread:
3.) Newspaper:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. The amusement park that i would want to visit is the one named "The Rocky Point Amusement Park, Warwick, Rhode Island." I chose that one because the it looks like it was a calm place in which you could take your family and have a good time. It had a good view of the water. But now they only have the parts of the park that they couldn't sell. Also i would want to visit that amusement park because there's no risk of going in and taking pictures.
a. old houses
b. a cell phone company
c. an ally
d. haunted places
e. an abandoned parking lot

5. I think that it would be fun to document this place because we can find out why it is abandoned and the reason why they didn't fix it up and sell it. Also because this house looks like its in the middle of nowhere. I could find out what happened to the people that used to live her and the reason for them leaving this house.
6. I think that i would have to take another person with me just in case, cell phone, a camera of course, and a flashlight. I would probably try and do research on this place for a few days before i go see it in person.